Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-212 Ashwagandha-2

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
Edition- 212
✍️: Today’s topic
Ayurvedic decoctions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (amruth) part -10
Please click the link below for more information about the immune booster decoction made of 36 herbs by the atharva ayurdhama of shimoga 


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences.Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

Ingredients of the decoction:
9)Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera):
All are aware of the the flu( sheeta hears) that was caused by H1N1 influenza viruses several years ago.
The fact that the chemical composition of Ashwagandha was able to cure H1N1 respiratory infection successfully is also known to all.
The present disease causing virus is also playing with the life of a man by being harmful to the respiratory system. 

The virus entered into the human body needs to force itself into the tissues by breaking down the outer covering of the tissues,replicating into several 1000’s and exiting from the sheltered tissues. To break down this outer layer  it needs the chemical Neuraminidase. This chemical helps the virus in thinning , breaking apart the outer covering and releasing its innumerable replicas with the help of sialic acid The exited viruses enter new tissues and multiplies itself into several lakhs.The withaferin of Ashwagandha is capable of nullifying the effect of Neuraminidase.

This Withaferin  prevents the break down of the tissues and Ayurveda names it as “Rasayana”.

Ashwagandha is capable of preventing the multiplication of the virus which accidentally enters the tissues of the body.

Please follow the link below for verification and more information.


Individuals interested in drinking decoction made by using this medicinal powder can contact me on any of the following 
Phone numbers :

Thank you 🙏
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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