Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-214 Guduchi / Amrutha-1

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life



✍️: Today’s topic

Ayurvedic decoctions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (Amruth) 

part -12

Please click the link below for more information about the immune booster decoction made of 36 herbs by the atharva ayurdhama of shimoga 


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences.Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

Ingredients of the decoction:

11)Balaa-(Sida cordifolia):

As name suggests this herb gives strength to all the tissues of the body. It’s roots holds the soil tightly and hence it’s named as Bala.

It is dominated with sweet flavor, remains in the same state of sweetness even after digestion and strengthens the tissues and ojus(the life force).

It nourishes the kapha dosha of the tissue and prevents the early degeneration of cells by the catabolic action of vatha pitta, thus the man stays stronger even in older ages.  The name "Bala" is faultlessly suitable because of its properties.

It is beneficial in any diseases related to vata dosha, high blood pressures or in blood vitiated conditions due to vata and pitta dosha.

If the metabolism of the body increases, it accelerates the ageing. In this condition the roots of Sida cardifolia which balances metabolic action of vata-pitta dosha gives unimaginable strengths and firmness to the Dhatus.

It reduces the fever caused by the exhausted tissues just in few minutes. If consumed along with another herb  'Laaksha'  - It can cure the Asthi-Sandhi sthita fevers(Dhatu gatha Jwara), which are vitiated by vigorous action of Pitta-Vatha doshas and even in tuberculosis.

It will strengthens the tissue membrane from Rasa to Majja dhatus and it won't allow the cell to react for the extracellular infective activity. So that, it will prevent the invading of virus into the cell.

Clinically it’s one of the biggest milestone as only the firm tissues are capable in producing the potent OJUS,  which inturn prevents diseases.
There’s no such virus which can survive in our body by win over the potent OJUS.

Unhealthy diets and lifestyles like late night sleeps, having dry foods, extreme fasting, intense thinking damages this Ojus. 
City lifestyles has made people more prone to infectious diseases like corona virus because of the debilitating OJUS( life force).

More info-
The medications made out of bala moola can successfully treat the blockages of blood and infarct brain tissues or impaired nervous system.

This drug provides energy to the blood vessels and prevents the formation of any blockages and enables the easy circulation of blood in the brain( it needs the combo of several other drugs to prevent clots) and brings back the vitality in the inactive brain.

"Formulations with bala as one of the main ingredient and their common uses-
1.Balajeerakadi kashaya- cough, asthma and breathlessness
2.Balashwagandha lakshadi taila-fever and psychological ailments 
3.Balarista- emaciation, tissue weaknesses 
4.Mashabaladinasapaana- degenerative changes in the vertebral bones, muscle spasms of the neck, slurred speech due to paralysis.

Please follow the link below for verification and more information.


Contact to get Kashaya churna-

Thank you 
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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