Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-205 Guduchi

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
✍️: Today’s topic
AYURVEDIC DECOTIONS equivalent to AMRUTH(elixir or nectar of immortality) 
Part -4
Please click the link below for more information about the decotion made by the atharva ayurdhama center of shimoga  using 36 herbs which increases the immune capacity.


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences. Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

Ingredients of the decoction- 

4) Guduchi/amruthaballi (tinospora cardifolia):
The most influential herb “Amrutha balli” depicts all it’s important qualities through its synonyms.
Synonyms of Amrutha balli-
Jwaranashini (antipyretic)
Jwarari (antipyretic)
Tantrika (magical)
Devanirmita (god’s creation)
Kumarika (Keeps a person younger)
Bhishakpriya or vaidyapriya( Doctor’s choice)
Vayasta(postpones aging)
Vara (gifted)
Vishalya (huge- beneficial)
Shyama-(God Krishna)
Surakruta(Made by the gods)
Kundali(balances kundalini chakra)
Garuda(Eagle vision)
Chakragni(multiple fold benefits in cellular digestion)
Chandrahasa(Gives good complexion to the face as pleasant as moon)

These aren’t the generalized names, they emphasize the importance of its functionalities.

Out of all the in-depth reports from thorough researches and clinical trials only 2 main functions are being explained here in this scenario of viral infections.

They are 1. Antipyretic (jwaranashana)and 2. Rejuvenation(Rasayana natured)- nourishes and protects all the tissues of the body.

The importance of this herb is - even being Guru and Snigdha( heavy- oily) in nature, it withdraws this intensifying nature in itself and turns out as Madhura- sweet in nature while digestion. Hence it’s functional as both antipyretic and rejuvenator- nourishes all the tissues.

It relieves the individuals from indigestion, IBS, Acid -peptic disorders, liver disorders and nourishes the nerves of the brain hence called as medhya(brain booster).

1)Let’s learn how it functions as antipyretic - fever doesn’t mean just a raise in body temperatures infact it’s the drastic vitiation of the plasma which circulates throughout the body. Hence scholars believe high temperatures, lack of interests and extreme weakness are the most common features of fever.(Santapa, Arati and Glani)
Only the raise in temperatures cannot be considered as fevers.

The pungent taste of Amrutha balli breaks down the factors of heat in the plasma and it’s sweet ( madhura Bhava) nature presentation during digestion provides energy to the body. Hence it plays beneficial role in relieving all the 3 symptoms of fevers within the span of 24-48 minutes. Fevers with unknown causes can also be cured by the intake of Amrutha balli in its essence form. 

2) Functioning as rejuvenator-
Amruthaballi can remove all the minor obstacles in the process of the origin of plasma, blood and all other tissues. This results in proper absorption of the required foods by the membranes of all the tissues of the body for their nourishment. Presently it is the biggest drawback in the health of a man. Due to improper absorption of the food- lot of deficiencies in the body are seen i.e Calcium, Iron, zinc deficiency etc even after consumption of healthy balanced foods.Final outcome is- Our body would suffer every often with one or the other viral infections.

Hence the name Amruta(elixir) to guduchi is perfectly justified.
My vocabulary is not sufficient enough to explain several other greatnesses of gudhchi-

Please find the link below:


Queries are encouraged. Interested members can send in messages through what’s app on any of the following phone numbers-

Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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