Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-208 Shunthi

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life

✍️Today's topic:
Ayurvedic decoctions(kashaya) equivalent to Ambrosia 

Please click the below mentioned link to get the detailed information regarding the Ayurvedic herbal kashaya made out of 36 potential Ayurvedic herbs by our institution.


 Note: please do not use this kashaya in vague quantity without knowing properly about the combinations, effects of these 36 herbal drugs. 


The ingredient in kasaya:
6)Sunti(zingiber officiale):
It is titled as "Vishvabheshaja" 
(Vishoushadhi) ,whereas it works so effectively according to its title. 

Rasa: katu
Karma:vata-kapha shamaka

Indications: Fever, Rhinitis, Cough, Bronchitis, Hiccough, Cardiac diseases, Raktapitta, Anaemia, wounds, digestive impairments/loss of appetite.


By giving the combination of sunti along with Pippali to the asthma patient who is suffering from the severe breathlessness, within a few minutes he will recover from breathlessness as sunti acts as bronchodilator and ease the respiration.
This instant action of the Shunti have its impact on three main srotas in our body,
• Pranavaha srotas(respiratory tracts)
• Annavaha srotas(digestive tracts)
• Udakavaha(bodily fluids)
{ The one which will Nourish the dhatu is strotas. whereas as, if there is is any deformity in strotas, it will nourish deformed dhatu which will lead to the disease }

As Acharya's mentioned earlier, 
by the deformity of above mentioned three srotas, it will lead to cough, bronchitis, hiccough.

 Shunti is the only efficient drug which acts equally on all three srotas.
Basically, shunti have the capability to dilute/digest the kapha and undigested food from the root level.

This Vishwa bheshaja by its potency on Pranava, Annavaha, Udakavaha  strotas it will cure all respiratory related diseases instantly.

 In the present situation regarding CoVid, the virus required indigested food and sticky mucous for its further growth in our body. As shunti resolves the favourable condition for the growth of the virus in our body from the root level (at the digestive state only),
Even though person is infected the virus will loose its potency, as it does not gets enough food and favourable environment in our body.


This kashaya is made with Shunti and other potential drugs which are so efficient to fight against the enemies in every angle by controlling, eliminating the favourable and also the supporting factors for the growth of the virus. Their by these helps us to improve our immunity so that, the possibility to get infection is Nill. 

Even though the person is infected, along with this by giving the Ayurvedic medicine with the gold composition helps him to recover soon without any symptoms.

Ayurvedic medications prepared by using "shunti" are:
1. Panchakola choorna
2. Taalisadi churna
3. Ardraka khanda
4. Soubhagya shunti
5. Trikatu choorna


By using these herbal drugs since 20 years in our practice we are treating a minor conditions like Rhinitis to the serious diseases like Tuberculosis successfully without any adverse effects.

For the confirmation of the research works on shunti, click the below mentioned link


Queries are encouraged.
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Thank you🙏
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
(Translated by Dr.Shivaleela Shikaripura)
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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