Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-211 Ashwagandha-1

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
✍️: Today’s topic
Ayurvedic decoctions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (amruth) part -9
Please click the link below for more information about the decoction made by   using 36 herbs-


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences.Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

Ingredients of the decoction:

8) Ashwagandha(withania Somnifera): 
There’s an old saying- “a disease which has no medications can be dealt with ashwagandha root”. Yes, absolutely true ashwagandha is capable in relieving several disorders. ( English version I changed completely hope it’s ok for u as I cannot translate the proverb exactly) 

Ashwagandha may be a best remedy for the present suffering of corona virus by the people as it has no specific medications yet. It’s one of the best herb with more alkaloids than any other plants and is capable of rendering three functions at once. It possesses nutritional qualities besides being anti inflammatory in nature unlike any other other anti inflammatory drugs. Hence it decreases any swelling and also nourishes the organs in every stages of development.

Ashwagandha possesses the chemicals which are capable in balancing vata and kapha dosha at the same time even in mal nutrition or under nutritional status.

Balanced amounts of Calcium is the basic need for the organs to have strong built and firmness in rendering its functions. ie it cannot be distributed in the same density to muscles of the body, heart, ligaments of the lungs,blood vessels and bones.

Any changes in this distribution can result in either drastic pain, hazards or even deaths.

In present scenario of corona virus infections people are suffering from contractions in the ligaments of the lungs,related blood vessels and ligaments of the heart. The dreadful imbalances in these three is leading to the death of an individual. In response to the infections the lungs, related blood vessels and the heart try to fight back and being unable to withstand the severity results in contractions and finally death of a person.

Since Ashwagandha is capable of of distributing calcium in balanced amounts to all the stages of tissues,it helps the life saving organs heart and lungs to function efficiently even when infected by the viruses and thus prevents the swelling and contractions in them. Hence it’s understood that usage of Ashwagandha by a covid patient can prevent him from dying.

It continues tomorrow ............

Please verify the importance of this herb from the below research reports-


Thank you 🙏

Individuals interested in drinking decoction made by using this medicinal powder can please contact me on any of the following 
Phone numbers :
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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