Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition--210 Bhumyamalaki

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
✍️: Today’s topic
Ayurvedic decoctions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (amruth) part -8
Please click the link below for more information about the decoction made by   using 36 herbs-


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences.Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

Ingredients of the decoction:

8) Bhumyamalki (Phyllanthus niruri): 

Bhumyamalki(Phyllanthus niruri) is the most commonly used herb by several pharmaceutical companies in preparing the medications for liver care, a drug which is also popularly prescribed as antiviral medicine even by the allopathic physicians besides Ayurvedic doctors. 

A small plant growing up-to 1-2 feet tall having tiny berries ( resembles gooseberries) which are arranged like a pearl necklace below its leaves has shown several beneficial effects through the researches.
From previous editions liver-spleen and blood vessels are understood as closely inter related to each other. Researchers have proven Bhumyamalki as the most efficient herb to fight against the infectious diseases of these trio. Hence it’s used to cure Hepatitis A,B,C and H.I.V.

Bhumyamalki is bitter in taste and is the best pittashamaka( pacifies pitta dosha) and agni deepaka( increases appetite) drug.This activity is not limited only to the stomach and intestines but it extends up-to the tissues. Specially by balancing the vitiated pitta dosha of the bone marrow it helps in the prevention of any diseases of the blood cells at their place of origin. Hence it’s very helpful in the patients suffering from issues of impure blood particles.

It breaks down the fats and releases it’s energy which helps in the production of several enzymes and hormones. This facilitates easy digestion of the foods and the appetite of the man increases. Due to the breakdown of fats, man becomes energetic and enthusiastic.
Please note - after consuming Bhumyamalki, one should have proper balanced limited diet without fasting or overeating.

Impairment of the liver imbalances the endocrine system and thus disturbs the activities of several organs. Bhumyamalki is the best drug of choice in repairing this stage of the liver.

Nativaidyas and folklore doctors extract fresh juice from this and uses it to cure 90% of jaundice.

It is an easy homegrown plant hence grow them in your yard and use it regularly to stay safe from the present viral infections.

It’s proven from clinical trials and researches that Bhumyamalki possesses a specialized chemical which is efficient in ceasing the duplication of RNA chains of the viruses.

Please verify the importance of this herb from the below research reports-



Thank you 🙏

Individuals interested in drinking decoction made by using this medicinal powder can please contact me on:
Phone number: 9148702645

Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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