Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-204 Tulasi

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
✍️: Today’s topic
AYURVEDIC DECOTIONS equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (amruth) part -4

Please click the link below for more information about the decotion made by the ATHARVA Ayurdhama center of shimoga  using 36 herbs which increases the immune capacity.



Ingredients of the decotion-

03)Krishna Tulsi (occimum sanctum):
It’s another important ingredient of the decotion. Krishna Tulsi is proven to be the best anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal herb as per the researches of modern science during the year of 1952,1988 and 1984 respectively.

It possesses Laghu- Ruksha guna(light- and dryness natured), Pungent in taste and balances Kapha-Vata dosha.

Due to its anti vermifuge and anti poisonous nature it cures any type of infectious poisons. 
Hence it’s beneficial in treating cough, Breathlessness, Hiccups, Chest pain, Viral fevers etc,.

Carvacrol, Beta-caryophellene....etc,. are the chemicals of Tulsi which helps in reducing the swelling of the lungs caused by any infections. It can even heal the wounds of lungs caused by infections (like pneumonia), it cures the swelling of large intestine. As we learnt in previous edition that any swelling of the large intestine plays vital role in damaging the lungs and the chemical composition of Tulsi is known to be beneficial in such conditions. 

Tulsi can decrease the swelling of soft tissues with its anti histamine activity ie it can cure the sneezes, itchy throat,  irritating breath sounds and skin scars caused due to allergies and pitta dosha.

The Leaves, roots and seeds of Tulsi possesses medicinal values. 
Inhaling the smell of the oil prepared from its seeds can clear the stuffy nose caused by phlegm. In disguise it forcibly removes the bacteria and the viruses from the nasal mucosa 

The powdered form of Krishna Tulsi used in the preparation of this decoction possess Several best medicinal qualities.

The intake of the decoction made from the powder of its leaves is clinically proved to cure viral hepatitis within 14 days.

The eye ointment (Collyrium ) made from the juice of its leaves can relieve any type of eye infections. Tulsi is respected as an holy plant by every Indian and equally it possess higher medicinal values.

Interested individuals can click the link below for its verification:


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Thank you 🙏
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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