Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition--207 Twak

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life

✍️: Today’s topic
Ayurvedic decoctions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (amruth) part -5
Please click the link below for more information about the decoction made by the atharva ayurdhama center of shimoga  using 36 herbs which increases the immune capacity.


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences.Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

*Ingredients of the decoction-
5)Twak- cinnamon (cinnamomum verum):
The bark of dalchini tree is called as Twak(cinnamon) 

The usage of Twak as one of the main ingredient in Indian cooking from past shows the in-depth knowledge of health concerns our ancestors had. Twak - part of our regular diet is the best medicine to relieve any type of diseases of the respiratory tract.

This herb is both pungent and sweet in nature and acts effectively on the originating places of vata and Kapha dosha and stabilizes the good health. The medicinal contents of Twak travel with foods, maintains the health of our body from enzymes to the level of tissues and thus prevent the entry of unwanted particles into the tissues.


In the present scenario of corona virus the need for the protection of mucosal membrane of large intestine is highly recommended.

The mucosal membrane of large intestine plays vital role in the prevention, balancing, aggravating or detoriating the infections of the lungs. This smooth layer protects even before and after being infected.

A) Twak - cinnamon besides strengthening this mucosal layer, it’s improves the man’s immune system  and nourished the essential bacteria of large intestine which helps in improving the capability of blood functioning. Hence it protects the lungs by improving its capacity and preventing from being infected by any viruses.

B) It’s consumption improves the enzymatic activities and thus prevents the entry of unwanted phlegm into the lungs.This unwanted phlegm provides nourishment to the viruses but by having cinnamon the unwanted phlegm isn’t available this the multiplication of the viruses ceases completely.

C)The penetrating oils of twak breakdowns the outer layer of the virus or bacteria. After losing their outer layer it’s either very difficult or almost impossible for the viruses or bacteria to survive.

Hence possessing these 3 main factors makes cinnamon usage absolutely beneficial in fighting against Corana virus. Since Indians include this as part of their regular diet so the complications of corona virus is not much.


Ayurvedic medications prepared using Twak(cinnamon) 
1)Sitophaladi choorna 
2)Talisadi choorna 

Using these 2 medications we are successfully treating from simple common colds to dreadful tuberculosis without any side effects from past 20 years.

For the details about this research please follow the link below-


Queries are encouraged. Interested members can send in messages through what’s app on any of the following phone numbers-

Thank you 🙏
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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