Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-213 Mustha

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
✍️: Today’s topic
Ayurvedic decoctions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality (amruth) part -11
Please click the link below for more information about the immune booster decoction made of 36 herbs by the atharva ayurdhama of shimoga 


Please note the decoction of these 36 ingredients needs a specific ratio of each content based on scientific evidences.Hence do not just mix and consume with your desired measurements.

Ingredients of the decoction:

10)Bhadra musta (Cyperus rotundus):

A rhizome named Nut grass or coco grass possessing hair like roots is called as musta or bhadra musta. Most people aren’t aware of the medicinal value of this plant which commonly grows in the backyards. Ayurveda uses it as Rasapachaka( for digestion) and stanyashodaka ( purifying the lactation).ie any residual indigested food which is not absorbed by the tissues due to the type of foods or changes in the tissues releases few harmful chemicals and gradually these chemicals results in poisonous effects.Initially these effects may be minor but gradually they turn out into dreadful diseases. Ayurvedic scholars call this as “Amavisha”-(indigested toxins). Ie unabsorbed, indigested foods are termed as AMA and their effects are collectively called as “Visha”- poison Hence it can be understood as indigested toxins.

The body with such toxins possesses several harmful organisms and any viruses entering the body are highly prone to multiply rapidly in these condition.

"Isn’t it our intellectuality in not providing such suitable environment for the viruses to replicate quickly?”

Musta or bhadramusta is the drug of choice for anyone intending such cleverness.
It possesses the capacity to dry up such toxins in any part of the body and the organisms originating from these toxins. Ie it can easily protect us before and after being infected by the viruses and easily absorbs the chemicals released by the indigested toxins. Because of its highly dryness in nature it can dissolve the outer layer of the organisms and the life force of the organisms also and thus makes the organisms which enters the body totally inactive.

Researchers have revealed this drug as capable to make the chemicals which arise due to aging of the tissues inactive upto the level of their DNA.
The irregular molecular chains of DNA losing their few parts damage our body by causing cancer.Bhadra musta is able to rectify such damaged DNA changes also. Hence its one of the main drug to cure cancers.

A drug which is capable in nullifying the poisonous effects and the organisms born from that poisons even in initial or later stages isn’t it capable in fighting against such small viruses?

Please follow the link below for verification and more information.


Individuals interested in drinking decoction made by using this medicinal powder can contact me on any of the following 
Phone numbers :

Thank you 🙏
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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