Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life Edition-202

Ayurveda for Disease/ Hospital free Life
✍️: Today’s topic-
Ayurvedic decotions equivalent to elixir or nectar of immortality ( amruth) part -1
For over more than 3000 years, there are several principles explaining the importance of medicated decotions made of several herbs are being successful in prevention, cure of any  disorders with out putting the patient into complications.

These are never changeable ( past, present and future) principles and can be called as theoretical doctrines.

Click the link below to know more information regarding the medicated decotions or the powders made of 36 herbs which can improve the immune system. 



From today onwards, the research report of the decotions made using 36 medicinal herbs by Atharva Ayurdhama research center will be narrated.

Ingredients of the decotions-
1.Black cumin(Nigella satvik)- almost 6 years ago dated 12-01-2014 a Molecular biological report on the effectiveness of nigella sativa in the prevention of the multiplication of corana virus was published in the international journal. Interested members can verify the above details from the below link -


Interested individuals can verify the information of the article regarding the trials of black cumin against covid 19 published in U.S.National library of medicine from the below link.


Black cumin is sharp or pungent, dry and highly volatile in nature. It easily dries up the outer protective layer of any viruses and thus prevents its multiplication and growth completely. This effective activity is attributed to which chemical composition of the herb is not yet known.

 Interested individuals can research on this topic. But in this present dreadful situation just considering the results instead of its chemical activity is the best.

Black cumin is very safe without any effects as this is a natural herb but not man made chemical composition. This ingredient is commonly used in our regular cooking specially sambar. This has been proven previously that it can prevent the growth of corona virus but unfortunately the reason for being ignored by modern sciences is not yet known.

No matter what they do for themselves but let’s safeguard the health ourselves by regularly drinking the decotions made of these 36 drugs until this corona is existing in this world.

Thank you 🙏 
Dr.Mallikarjuna Dambal
ATHARVA Institute of Ayurveda Research
Shimoga Davanagere Bangalore Kangra (HP)

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